Intermittent fasting and Steam Buns for the Christmas Holiday!

Rose will put on a presentation on intermittent fasting again just before the Christmas holidays. Our liver will be challenged by over eating and partying. Learn how to keep one of our most important organs in top shape for the holiday.

Customers who have been watching Rose for over a year now are wondering how she keeps her ultimate health. She said "keep your liver healthy. We will have much better vision, health of our joints and your digestion will be significantly improved. Don't focus on loosing weight, the body will automatically adjust itself." Rose lost 30 pounds over a year ago and has been able to keep it off. Truly amazing.

Plus she will demonstrate how to make Chinese Steam Buns! Rose is a wonderful cook, her Steam Buns are unique and delicious!! Please join us at Lotus Herbal Health.

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Cost: $10.